Category: KajaNe Retreat

Stay in shape on vacation at our private villa in Ubud, KajaNe Bali Villas

Stay in Shape on Vacation Featuring KajaNe Bali Villas


All those fun moments you are having during the holiday might include being lazy and carelessly involve in the bad eating habit. Instead of being...

Heal Your Soul at Our Private Villa in Ubud - KajaNe Bali Villas - The Best Bali Family Villas

How Ubud Heals Your Soul: Reset at KajaNe Bali Villas

KajaNe Retreat

Revealing why Ubud can be the reason you recover. Stay at KajaNe Bali Villas Have you ever watched Eat Pray Love (2010) starring Julia Roberts...

Safe Vacation amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic at KajaNe Bali Villas - The Best Private Villa in Ubud - Bali Family Villas

Safe Vacation with KajaNe Bali Villas during ‘PPKM’ Restrictions


KajaNe Bali Villas abides by the policies set by the Government in anticipation of Delta variant from the derivation of the Covid-19 virus. Only in...

Mental Health Staycation at KajaNe Bali Villas - Have the Best Staycation Experience at Our Private Villa Ubud and Bali Family Villas

Mental Health Staycation at KajaNe Bali Villas


We don’t think we can get enough discussion regarding mental health. Since the existence of social media platforms, issues related to psychological matters have become...

Handling a family trip in our Bali family villas - Featuring our stunning Ubud Family Villa at KajaNe Bali Villas

How to Handle a Family Trip like a Pro: Tips by KajaNe Bali Villas

Ubud Destination

When Parents Are Longing for Vacation but With Kids – Our Bali family villas are always ready to cater your need for a family trip...

Holiday at KajaNe Bali Villas - Private Villa Ubud

Golden Reasons You Need Holiday at KajaNe Bali Villas

Villa in Bali

Safe holiday with KajaNe Bali Villas, click here to justify our commitment to keep our guest safety Right now you might be frustrated to find...